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Road book: The round of the Grand Duke (MP Nbr 201) Approximatieve duur : 5h.  214 Km Code 1035


Few people know it, but the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg is spread over two main areas. One, North of the Oesling joining the Ardenne and the Eifel is known for its severe climate. To the South, the Gutland (or good land) with milder climate benefits from a lower altitude. Let's devor some kilometers and discover that « Oesling », « Great North » of the Grand Duchy! Text & pictures by Tigerjack

Aunt Lulu, an easy starting point: Bastogne, place Mc Auliffe. While the statue of the general guards the freshly renovated tank, we leave in the direction of Arlon. After a few hundred meters, one shall look to the right the Rewaco trikes. We quickly meet the « chemin du Saiwet » to go tickle « Aunt Lulu ». This is how small investors used to call the Grand Duchy when they were travelling there to cash in their dividends, away from the Belgian tax collector. Nothing like that today, as we shall only come accross small villages avoiding the larger towns and their ... banks ! Even for the gas (close to 30 eurocents cheaper than in Belgium) one shall have to wait about thirty kilometers after departure to come accross a gas station. You have been warned, if your tank is almost dry leaving Bastogne, plan on refuelling to hold it until there ! A small sign post with the european flag between Lutremange and Harlange tells us we are meeting « Aunt Lulu ». The tar quality is immediately superior. The valleys are quite narrow. As soon as we reach a plateau, the landscape opens and spreads way beyond the horizon. This is how, coming out of the woods a little before Boulaide, we were surprised by a hind strolling in a field about ten meters from the road. Magical encounter, evanescent moment, charming memory only motorcycle touring can provide us ! We let ourselves slide down along serious twists until Pont-Misère where we cross the Sûre lake bridge and climb the other side towards another succession of twists to Arsdorf, Luxemburg's pride. We continue the Oesling exploration crossing through the villages of Rambrouch, Hostert and towards Reichlange. The wealthy houses have kept their compact arrangement as to better fight the harsh winter climate. The road leads us along the small Attert river ! A twisting splendor. North-Shouth-North-South-North-South. At Welscheid we are heading back to the South until Warken, always on the edge, surrounded by a forest we imagine full of secrets and mysteries. The road to Bourscheid leads us back to the North. The curves are broader, the road is ingested at a sustained pace. We stop at the chateau of Bourscheid. The old Burg with its bravely remaining 11th century dunjon, dominates the lower castle built at the 14th century. The Sûre river awaits us and we ride along its course for about ten kilometers. The valley is green. Here as well, we shall let the harness loose and and enjoy ! Watch out as two bad bends may surprise you when crossing twice the Sûre river. A sign post indicates when to respect the 50 km/h. Abide scrupulously. A « straight ahead » happens so quickly ! This was our last descent towards the South of the Oesling. We climb back towards the North on the large Nationale 7 (the famous road to the sun) that we shall quickly leave for a marvellous road to Weiler. From there on, it will always be on the tires'edges that we shall avoid Wiltz to the North. How many tight bends at 180 degrees? How many curves negotiated as a Hussard rider? Bending the tiger's neck down at each of these bends, letting the cylinders roar entering the curves and maow at the exit, before heading to the next one....We tell you: pleasure! And we maintain that pace towards Wilwerwiltz, Dauffelt until Clervaux crossing the railroad here and there. When reaching Clervaux, the eye is caught by the castle and the abbay. Both bravely raised up on the hillside while our tour leads us to the North. Like scavenger birds flight. The landscapes begin to look like the German Eifel. The plateau's are broader and the eyesight is broadly open. Notice in the air the many scavenger birds flying with disdain over potential preys. We ride around Trois-Vierge by the East and North to ride our last kilometers in Grand Duchy territory. A little after the small village of Hautbellain, we use a tiny road towards a memorial located on the Belgian border. After a moment of recollection, we reach the nice village of Gouvy that we leave to enjoy the sightseeing on the Cherapont lake on the eastern Ourthe river. We go down towards Bastogne via Limerlée, Steinbach and its sacred cave we shall observe to the left before reaching Tavigny then Bourcy. A straight with an amazing view awaits us. The branches of the bordering trees seem to meet, building a green tunnel. In Noville we take to the left to reach, after a few kilometers, our final destination: the Place Mc Auliffe. So, Happy ? If perfection is not of this world, this road book, with its small high quality roads, varied landscapes without excessive direction changes allowing both riding concentration and landscapes enjoyment, .. is getting close to it! Let us know about your riding of this ride… Good ride, enjoy it and be careful !
The round of the Grand Duke (MP Nbr 201) - Road book downloaden
Comments - The round of the Grand Duke (MP Nbr 201)

eredTriny  - 26/10/2009
Hello Guilty klooper in spite of my english jer, buti close unsettled re application .

jean louis  - 18/08/2009
ont a fait ce parcour aujourd hui
19 aout 2009
superbe balade,de plus sous le soleil
ont s en est donné a coeur joie dans les virolos
et nos GS en redemandait
a recommander

P.Rimbert  - 31/03/2009
balade impeccable, sans arret on s‘amuse, on découvre, les paysages sont superbes, les virages se succèdent. le seul hic ! trouver un resto pour manger .....

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