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Road book: Around Belgium stage VII - from Valdieu to Monschau Estimated duration : 5h.  156 Km Code 286


Retrouvez "Toute la Belgique à Moto" de André Paquay aux éditions de rouck 2007

Road Book Published in Moto80 n° 615 of April 22, 2005
Première Belle Balade Belge à paraître avec road book créé par Tripy.
Author: André Paquay (text and pictures)

In the heart of the bucolic landscape, the valleys of the country of Herve, where ancestral refuge shelter the men still lost in forgotten regions of excesses of a sometimes surging nature, the Val-Dieu abbey succeeded in preserving the old time image when the contemplative monastic life balanced work of the ground.

When one strolls around this abbey, if one crosses truths come pilgrims, in these places in charge of history, to collect themselves and request, one meets as strange mans, barded leather, more avid of feelings as of the safeguard of their heart.

The road to arrive in this preserved space of the valley of Berwinne is a good introduction. Since Visée, bitumen, or what it remains of it, heating tires by a series of laces on narrow roads bordered of meadows and frequently skirting small rivers.
Forsaking the Val-Dieu abbey, you spring on the famous road of the Vergers. It presents from the start some pleasant curves.

Going to Aubel, your wheels take you along to Plombières where a splendid roman church is likely to challenge you (...)

The touristic road which makes it possible to arrive at the crossing of the Netherlands, of Germany and of our beautiful kingdom is particularly treacherous (...)

And now the Calamine. I propose to make you discover the castle of Eyneburg or of Emmaburg at Hergenrath. The second name would come from a legend according to which Emma, the girl of Eginhard, the chronicler of Charlemagne, would have lived one moment in these places.

A little romance and magic :

To join Raeren, one moment, you drive on a sinuous way which is trailed in a funny campaign. Sometimes, up there, a héron (bird) plane. A hind or a stag packs up by hearing the humming of your machine.

The castle of Raeren:
the keep, almost intact, except the roof and some openings, was set up in the medium of XIVe century. After a passage in a first natural reserve, to remain in this atmospher, you are inserted in the forest where some hairpins will claim your attention.

At the end of the day, the rising light crosses the secular barrels to come to burn a ground already roasted. Further, some still emaciated leafy trees try to be heated with the pale gleam that leaves them the giants of North. Pines of Alep were made combine to them; they call the sun of their native South. Sometimes, of the groups of birches, raising white pacifist dresses, vainly try to resist the invasion of the spruces. This arboricole fight visible to the initiates only, makes penetrate druide beginner that you become here in the mysteries of Hautes Fagnes.

The magic continues when suddenly, with the turning of a turn, the forest disappears to leave room to the city: Eupen!

And after a last incursion in forest: Monschau
Around Belgium stage VII - from Valdieu to Monschau - Download this Road Book in paper version Around Belgium stage VII - from Valdieu to Monschau - Download Road Book
Comments - Around Belgium stage VII - from Valdieu to Monschau

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