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FAQ - RoadTracer

RT01 : Help->Download Updates ... does not work, or I obtain the message 'set size exceeded' upon update.

If you own a RoadTracer version prior to 1.1.2, it is recommended to obtain the version 1.3.0. In the mean time, follow the procedure below :

1) Stop RoadTracer.

2) Click here to launch the update and select the option EXECUTE or RUN.

RT02 : Read error upon opening of the program. It is necessary to use CTRL-ALT_DEL to leave the application.

Click here to know to solve it.

RT03 : File with _ prefix with a Mac.

Under MAC OS X version 10.5.4 using VMWare Fusion, auto copy of files occurs (with a _ as prefix).
These files are not valid. Please use only the original filename without _ .

This occurs during a copy from a MAC to a PC or using our USB Sticker (reference 6122 in our price list).

Tips RT04 : How to rename and import POI recorded in the RoadMaster ?

Follow the procedure POI import and rename.

RT05 : How to update the RoadTracer software?

Follow the procedure Updates for RoadTracer and RoadMaster.

RT06 : How to display the Points Of Interest (POI's) on RoadTracer ?

Follow the procedure See POI


RT07 : How to import a trace recorded or created by another software?

Follow the procedure Import track starting from point 3) if you managed to convert the trace in the .GPX format . The points 1) and 2) explain how to import from a .GDB file.

RT08 : Compatibility with RoadTracer version 1.3. or later

With a RoadTracer PRO version 1.2.2. or sooner :
- possibility to copy all the Road Books to your RoadMaster.
- not possible to open nor modify a road book created with the version 1.3.0 or later.

Solution : install RoadTracer Pro version 1.3.0 (see point RT05)


0 RoadTracer 1.3.x allows the edition of a road book created under RoadTracer version 1.1.x or 1.2.x. It is sometimes necessary to move the routing starting point when it is not located on a road (may happen due to road map changes).

RT09 : How to activate all the RoadTracer functionalities

Vérify that you own RoadTracer PRO. You may confirm that from the Help -> About...

If you have installed RoadTracer BASIC, un-install it and install RoadTracer PRO.

Follow then the instructions under RT05 above to load the updates. Then register your software.




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